the Order of the knights of

The Silver Hand

Esarus Thar no'Darador

order of the knights of the silver hand


"Do you vow to uphold the honor and codes of the Silver Hand?"

"I do."

Of the three vows that comprise the oath taken by new Knights of the Silver Hand, the first is the vow to uphold the Order's codes and honor its name. For an Order stained with the failures of the past, it is imperative that paladins understand that to conduct themselves with disregard for the great power bestowed upon them is to dishonor the Silver Hand as a whole.

"Do you vow to walk in the grace of the Light and spread its wisdom to your fellow man?"

"I do."

The second vow calls upon prospective paladins to allow themselves to be guided by the Light's virtues: Respect, Tenacity, and Compassion. Further, it implores Knights of the Silver Hand to extend the Light's teachings to others through words, but more importantly, through service. In times of conflict, Knights of the Silver Hand are powerful arbiters of the Light's wrath, but a kind heart may halt a war or change minds before a battle begins.

"Do you vow to vanquish evil wherever it be found, and protect the weak and innocent with your very life?"

"By my blood and honor, I do."

The third and final vow taken by new paladins directs the Knights of the Silver Hand to vanquish evil and to protect those in need; though the other two-thirds of the oath appear rather straightforward, the final command given by the oath is the source of contention. Knights have different ideas of 'evil'. Some paladins even have different ideas of 'vanquish'. Who is innocent? Who is weak? These are questions grappled with by the High Council on a monthly basis and will remain the subject of much discussion, but these conflicts do not grant paladins to act with impunity.

Knights found in violation of this sacred oath are tried by their peers, with punishments including being stripped of their knighthood, as was the case of Tirion Fordring. In the case of those utterly lost to their maddened ideals, such as Arthas or the Scarlet Crusade, wayward paladins leave the Order with no choice but to put them down.

order of the knights of the silver hand


  1. You shall not forsake your Oath:

  2. You shall uphold this code, and bring honor to the Order of the Silver Hand.

  3. You shall practice the Light's virtues, and bring them to your fellows.

  4. You shall vanquish evil wherever it be found.

  5. You shall protect the weak and innocent with your life.

  6. You shall not abandon your allies.

  7. You shall seek understanding with your enemies rather than encourage conflict.

  8. You shall show respect to all as if they were one of your fellow paladins.

  9. You shall not kill an opponent who cannot defend themselves.

  10. You shall grant reprieve to an incapacitated opponent, be they defeated in combat, sleeping, or otherwise unconscious.

  11. Before embarking upon a dangerous mission, the commander shall grant their Seal of Command to their second, who shall take their place in the event of the commander's untimely death.

  12. Those who ignore this code shall be relieved of their duties and their status as a Knight of the Silver Hand.